Wednesday, April 29, 2009

4th Grade: Native American Horse and Buffalo

These fourth graders are studying Native American Tribes in their classroom, as well as in the art room. For a special enrichment art class, the students created hand-made paper. The students chose either a horse or a buffalo and added Native American symbols to tell a story.

Kindergarten: Pillard & Cromley

Kindergarten: Cromley
These students looked at Piet Mondrian and we talked about primary colors in class. The students were very careful to paint within their borders and worked on mastering their glue skills.

Kindergarten: Pillard
Georgia O'Keeffe was the inspiration behind these beautiful flowers. These kindergarten students looked at close up and far away flowers, as well as the giant sunflowers that normally 'live' near the front door of our school. For their art class, the sunflowers hung down over their tables. The students had the opportunity to explore multiple techniques and styles.

1st Grade: Fogelberg & Vandever

1st grade: Vandever
This might look odd at first glance, but these students looked at the sculptures of Claes Oldenburg. Their favorite sculpture was the giant spoon and cherry. In class we made this city scape where the giant clothespin sculpture stands. The students used mat-board scraps for the buildings and various paper for the windows.

1st grade: Fogelberg
These first graders looked at the work of Keith Haring. We practiced outlining figures holding up giant hearts!

2nd Grade: Leicester & Arellano

2nd grade: Arellano
Paul Klee inspired these 'warm' portraits. In class we talked about warm versus cool colors as well as shape. The students painted the background and used tissue paper for the head and shoulders.

2nd grade: Leicester
These students found out why this painting is called American Gothic by Grant Wood. Who knew that a window could be so important! The students also agreed that this couple probably did NOT spend a lot of time relaxing and watching TV, and that the woman looked a little mean. The students did a great job capturing expression!

3rd Grade: Frasier & Rucker

3rd grade: Rucker
These students found inspiration from Wassily Kandinsky! Music, geometric shapes and color create these original compositions, as well as 3-D lines.

3rd grade: Frasier
The artist is Salvador Dali and then students loved the melting clock! The students focused on the basic elements of a landscape as well as paint application techniques. The floating rose and clock create this surreal place!

4th Grade: Williams & Stetson

4th grade: Williams
These students looked at Pablo Picasso's contour outline drawings. After practicing timed and blind contour drawings, the students picked a subject based on Picasso and created the outline. Like Picasso, the students chose to emphasize a certain aspect of their drawing with color.

4th grade: Stetson
Paul Gauguin was the artist that this class studied. We talked about how the artist 'escaped' to paradise and looked at his work inspired by the islands. The students created their own 'Tahiti' landscape using paint as well as collage techniques.


5th grade: CHAPMAN
Leonardo Da Vinci was the inspiration for this project. The students looked at Da Vinci's sketches of inventions and then created their own invention. The students also wrote a few sentences describing what their invention is. Like Leonardo, the handwriting is backwards and requires a mirror to read.

5th grade: Polintan
These students studied the work of Romare Bearden and discovered the art of collage. Like Bearden's work, the students used music as a theme in their work.

6th grade CASTRO & NIELSEN

6th Grade: Castro

These sixth graders looked at the work of M.C. Escher, specifically his tessellations. These tessellations were created by drawing a free-form shape and then 'finding' the creatures within the positive space (negative space creatures was optional).

6th Grade: Nielsen
These students were inspired by African masks as well as African paper beads creations. The students were excited to work with unique media and learned several techniques to roll paper beads.

"MASTERS" Art show

Students at Laurel have worked the past few months to create a Master Works art gallery in our own halls. Each class learned about a specific artist and created art based on what they learned. What an exhibition!