Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mrs. Leicester's Class-Insect Masks

These second graders are studying bugs in their classrooms. After creating bug drawings in art, they also created bug masks. The students later wrote a description of their bug (name, where they live, what they eat, etc).

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Book Making Club!

 Students of all ages participated in BOOK MAKING club! Sixty students filled three classes for seven weeks.  The students started by assembling the spine, front and back of their books and folding signatures of pages.  The students then decorated the front and back cover.  The content of the books was up to the student and most of the class was spent as individual exploration of art materials. Each one of these books is an absolute treasure!

Kindergarten Flowers & Caterpillars

These pieces are of caterpillars and flowers as an introduction to art class and art materials.  These students were able to use tissue paper, paint and oil pastels for these drawings and paintings.  

1st Grade Silhouettes from Africa

These first graders are studying Africa! We practiced drawing the shape or silhouette of various African animals.  We also talked about what a sunset looks like and saw examples of photography from Africa.  These final products are black marker on tissue background.